

タクリンから ドネペジル(アリセプト) への道



背景(過去): タクリンは1931年(戦前)に、抗菌作用を目的として合成された。その後、タクリンは1986年(戦後40年)に、中枢疾患治療薬としての臨床試験結果が報告され、1993年に至り、FDAはタクリンをAD治療薬として世界で始めて承認した。




1996年にFDAはドネペジル(アリセプト)を 新たなアルツハイマ~(AD)治療薬として承認した。

新規な構造を有する 世界初のAchエステラーゼ阻害剤=分子標的薬である。


●シード物語: ドネペジルは 分子標的薬の開発 を理解するには格好のテキストである。


偶然にも、薬理担当者からの アドバイスによって発見された。即ち、シード化合物は、別のPJで合成されたものだが、ラットにおいて 縮瞳、流涙などのAch作用が認められていた。







評価系の酵素をウナギから ラット由来の酵素に変えたところ、明らかにAch阻害作用は低く、1/40ぐらいの値だった。









☆ 2は、生体利用率(BA)が2%と極めて悪く、



テーマは臨床研究担当者から猛反対され、一端終結 した。








インダノン骨格 へとたどり着いたのである。

(杉本リーダーは思わず心で叫んだ!これでイインダノン! !!)


◎  ドネペジルはインダノン骨格を持ち、










Detection of DNA Radicals Formed from Hydralazine and Copper (II) by ESR



Abstract Image

Metal ion-catalyzed oxidation of hydrazine and its derivatives leads to the formation of the hydrazyl radical and subsequently to oxy-radicals in the presence of molecular oxygen.



Metal ion-catalyzed oxidation of hydrazine and its derivatives leads to the formation of the hydrazyl radical and subsequently to oxy-radicals in the presence of molecular oxygen.



Here, we have examined the role of Cu2+-catalyzed oxidation of hydralazine in the induction of DNA damage.



Neither 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) nor dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was effective in inhibiting hydralazine-Cu2+-induced DNA damage. Singlet oxygen did not appear to participate in this DNA cleavage.



A Putative Molecular Mechanism by Which MB can Interfere with Amyloid Aggregation


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Protein misfolding and/or aggregation has been implicated as the cause of several human diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and familial amyloid polyneuropathy.

These maladies are referred to as amyloid diseases, named after the cross-β-sheet amyloid fibril aggregates or deposits common to these disorders.


Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG),

the principal polyphenol present in green tea, has been shown to be effective at preventing aggregation and is able to remodel amyloid fibrils comprising different amyloidogenic proteins, although the mechanistic underpinnings are unclear.



Herein, we work toward an understanding of the molecular mechanism(s) by which EGCG remodels mature amyloid fibrils made up of Aβ1–40, IAPP8–24, or Sup35NM7–16.



We show that EGCG amyloid remodeling activity in vitro is dependent on auto-oxidation of the EGCG. Oxidized and unoxidized EGCG binds to amyloid fibrils, preventing the binding of thioflavin T. This engagement of the hydrophobic binding sites in Aβ1–40, IAPP8–24, or Sup35NMAc7–16 Y→F amyloid fibrils seems to be sufficient to explain the majority of the amyloid remodeling observed by EGCG treatment, although how EGCG oxidation drives remodeling remains unclear.




Oxidized EGCG molecules react with free amines within the amyloid fibril through the formation of Schiff bases, cross-linking the fibrils, which may prevent dissociation and toxicity, but these aberrant post-translational modifications do not appear to be the major driving force for amyloid remodeling by EGCG treatment. These insights into the molecular mechanism of action of EGCG provide boundary conditions for exploring amyloid remodeling in more detail.



Dye-Binding Assays for Evaluation of the Effects of Small Molecule Inhibitors


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Dye-binding assays, such as those utilizing Congo red and thioflavin T, are among the most widely used tools to probe the aggregation of amyloidogenic biomolecules and for the evaluation of small molecule inhibitors of amyloid aggregation and fibrillization.


A number of recent reports have indicated that these dye-binding assays could be prone to false positive effects when assessing inhibitors’ potential toward Aβ peptides, species involved in Alzheimer’s disease.


Specifically, this review focuses on the application of thioflavin T for determining the efficiency of small molecule inhibitors of Aβ aggregation and addresses potential reasons that might be associated with the false positive effects in an effort to increase reliability of dye-binding assays.

Citing Articles

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This article has been cited by 4 ACS Journal articles (4 most recent appear below).
  • Cover Image

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    The Journal of Organic Chemistry2014 79 (3), 1068-1083
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Tanshinones Inhibit Amyloid Aggregation by Amyloid-β Peptide, Disaggregate Amyloid Fibrils, and Protect Cultured Cells

Tanshinones Inhibit Amyloid Aggregation by Amyloid-β Peptide, Disaggregate Amyloid Fibrils, and Protect Cultured Cells


Abstract Image


The misfolding and aggregation of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides into amyloid fibrils is regarded as one of the causative events in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).



Tanshinones extracted from Chinese herb Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge) were traditionally used as anti-inflammation and cerebrovascular drugs due to their antioxidation and antiacetylcholinesterase effects.



A number of studies have suggested that tanshinones could protect neuronal cells. In this work, we examine the inhibitory activity of tanshinone I (TS1) and tanshinone IIA (TS2), the two major components in the Danshen herb, on the aggregation and toxicity of Aβ1–42 using atomic force microscopy (AFM), thioflavin-T (ThT) fluorescence assay, cell viability assay, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. AFM and ThT results show that both TS1 and TS2 exhibit different inhibitory abilities to prevent unseeded amyloid fibril formation and to disaggregate preformed amyloid fibrils, in which TS1 shows better inhibitory potency than TS2.



Live/dead assay further confirms that introduction of a very small amount of tanshinones enables protection of cultured SH-SY5Y cells against Aβ-induced cell toxicity. Comparative MD simulation results reveal a general tanshinone binding mode to prevent Aβ peptide association, showing that both TS1 and TS2 preferentially bind to a hydrophobic β-sheet groove formed by the C-terminal residues of I31-M35 and M35-V39 and several aromatic residues.



Meanwhile, the differences in binding distribution, residues, sites, population, and affinity between TS1-Aβ and TS2-Aβ systems also interpret different inhibitory effects on Aβ aggregation as observed by in vitro experiments. More importantly, due to nonspecific binding mode of tanshinones, it is expected that tanshinones would have a general inhibitory efficacy of a wide range of amyloid peptides. These findings suggest that tanshinones, particularly TS1 compound, offer promising lead compounds with dual protective role in anti-inflammation and antiaggregation for further development of Aβ inhibitors to prevent and disaggregate amyloid formation.


タクリンと ドネペジルの話。



背景(過去): タクリンは1931年(戦前)に、抗菌作用を目的として合成された。その後、タクリンは1986年(戦後40年)に、中枢疾患治療薬としての臨床試験結果が報告され、1993年に至り、FDAはタクリンをAD治療薬として世界で始めて承認した。



タクリンの承認から3年後、1996年にFDAはドネペジル(アリセプト)を 新たなAD治療薬として承認した。

ドネペジルは従来から知られていた化合物ではなく、新規な構造を有する 世界初のAchエステラーゼ阻害剤=分子標的薬である。


●シード物語: ドネペジルは分子標的薬の開発を理解するには格好のテキストである。


偶然にも、薬理担当者からの アドバイスによって発見された。即ち、シード化合物は、別のPJで合成されたものだが、ラットにおいて 縮瞳、流涙などのAch作用が認められていた。










●リード物語(その2): リード化合物(2)の問題点が臨床試験(治験)直前に明らかになった。





◎ドネペジルへの展開: 阻害活性の向上は多くの化合物を合成することで、デザインできたが、BAの改善はなかなか予想が付かないものだった。薬物代謝(動態)の観点から見ると、アミドN-メチル基の脱メチル化が主たる代謝経路である。この点から、脱メチル化反応の起こらない、環状構造をした化合物のデザインが、突破口になった。

二環性化芳香環化合物を合成すると、そのBAも満足できるものになった。 そして最後のさいごに、インダノン骨格へとたどり着いたのである。


◎  ドネペジルはインダノン骨格を持ち、ベンジルピペリジン基を導入することで、満足するBAが得られた完成品である。
