Detection of DNA Radicals Formed from Hydralazine and Copper (II) by ESR
Metal ion-catalyzed oxidation of hydrazine and its derivatives leads to the formation of the hydrazyl radical and subsequently to oxy-radicals in the presence of molecular oxygen.
Metal ion-catalyzed oxidation of hydrazine and its derivatives leads to the formation of the hydrazyl radical and subsequently to oxy-radicals in the presence of molecular oxygen.
Here, we have examined the role of Cu2+-catalyzed oxidation of hydralazine in the induction of DNA damage.
Neither 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) nor dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was effective in inhibiting hydralazine-Cu2+-induced DNA damage. Singlet oxygen did not appear to participate in this DNA cleavage.
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