
CPME=Chapt.1 2018

Now that abundant examples are avalable in both literatures
and brief notes (by Zeon and Others 2016 sust chem.),
chemists can utilize CPME in every aspect of organic synthesis
including work-up operations and purification step.
The follwing sunmmarized indications are oftentimes empahasized
in the reviws of ours and notes by othes.

1. Stability Under Basic Conditions (Organometalic Conversions)
2. Stability Under Proton Acids
3. Stability Under Radical Conditions
4. Fasile Work-Up Procedures and Crystalization Tool
6. Pure and Unhydrous Bottles Available
7. Satisfactory Toxicological Evaluationsare
Based on these standpoints, CPME can be utilised  in every aspect of organic synthesis including work-up operations.

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