
DBU Assisted Coupling Reactions


Breaking the Base Barrier: An Electron-Deficient Palladium Catalyst Enables the Use of a Common Soluble Base in C–N Coupling


Abstract Image

Due to the low intrinsic acidity of amines, palladium-catalyzed C–N cross-coupling has been plagued continuously by the necessity to employ strong, inorganic, or insoluble bases. To surmount the many practical obstacles associated with these reagents, we utilized a commercially available dialkyl triarylmonophosphine-supported palladium catalyst that facilitates a broad range of C–N coupling reactions in the presence of weak, soluble bases. The mild and general reaction conditions show extraordinary tolerance for even highly base-sensitive functional groups. Additionally, insightful heteronuclear NMR studies using 15N-labeled amine complexes provide evidence for the key acidifying effect of the cationic palladium center.

  • Experimental procedures, computational, spectral, and reaction optimization data, discussion of 31P–15N 2J couplings, and X-ray data (PDF)

  • Crystallographic structure of amine-bound precatalyst P6 (CIF)




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Article Views: 10,111 Times
Received 10 February 2018
Published online 12 March 2018
Published in print 4 April 2018
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