
Nickel-Catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura Couplings in Green Solvents


Abstract Image
The nickel-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura coupling of aryl halides and phenol-derived substrates with aryl boronic acids using green solvents, such as 2-Me-THF and tert-amyl alcohol, is reported. This methodology employs the commercially available and air-stable precatalyst, NiCl2(PCy3)2, and gives biaryl products in synthetically useful to excellent yields. Using this protocol, bis(heterocyclic) frameworks can be assembled efficiently.




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2 件のコメント:

  1. これは 使える!!
    Ni + R2BH Conbination !!

  2. 有機ホウ素化合物の ラジカル反応性 を活用して タウの氾濫をコントロールできないだろうか?? 多分 できるな!!
    BH は還元性、B-OH は 弱酸性の プロトン酸。
