
Some Newer Aspects of Statin Epigenetic Effect;

Some Newer Aspects of Statin Epigenetic Effect;

Profound pleiotropic effects are known for the classic drugs, such as Statins, Antibiotics, as well as Aspirin.

The emerging pleiotropic effects of Rosuvastatin and Rovastatin were discolsed for the first time in 2014,

by the Kyoto iPS scientists, both in the paper and press release (fall of 2014).


This emerging disclosure has prompted us to investigate more sutle but effective medical implications,

such as Cancer Epigenetic Chemotherapy in accord with modern radiation therapy.


Because we have been interested in Statin pleiotropic effects scince 2011 in their preventive effects in EMT and cancer mettastasis, we started our own investigation along our in vitro cell lines.


Disclosed here is our progress on the statin pleiotropic effects in view of epigenetic HDAC modulation as well as cancer metabolism pertabation.




Quinone-Tryptophan Hybrid Aggregation Inhibitor 2010





The rational design of amyloid oligomer inhibitors is yet an unmet drug development need. Previous studies have identified the role of tryptophan in amyloid recognition, association and inhibition. Furthermore, tryptophan was ranked as the residue with highest amyloidogenic propensity.


Other studies have demonstrated that quinones, specifically anthraquinones, can serve as aggregation inhibitors probably due to the dipole interaction of the quinonic ring with aromatic recognition sites within the amyloidogenic proteins.


Here, using in vitro, in vivo and in silico tools we describe the synthesis and functional characterization of a rationally designed inhibitor of the Alzheimer’s disease-associated b-amyloid.


This compound, 1,4-naphthoquinon-2-yl-L-tryptophan (NQTrp), combines the recognition capacities of both quinone and tryptophan moieties and completely inhibited Ab oligomerization and fibrillization, as well as the cytotoxic effect of Ab

oligomers towards cultured neuronal cell line.


Furthermore, when fed to transgenic Alzheimer’s disease Drosophila model it

prolonged their life span and completely abolished their defective locomotion.


Analysis of the brains of these flies showed a significant reduction in oligomeric species of Ab while immuno-staining of the 3rd instar larval brains showed a significant reduction in Ab accumulation.


Computational studies, as well as NMR and CD spectroscopy provide mechanistic insight into the activity of the compound which is most likely mediated by clamping of the aromatic recognition interface in the central segment of Ab.


Our results demonstrate that interfering with the aromatic core of amyloidogenic peptides is a promising approach for inhibiting various pathogenic species associated with amyloidogenic diseases.


The compound NQTrp can serve as a lead for developing a new class of disease modifying drugs for Alzheimer’s disease.


医療ミス 2016 英語版

えんどうまめ 先生のブログ から拝借。

Medical Error Is Third Leading Cause of Death in US


May 03, 2016

Marcia Frellick

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer, according to findings published today in BMJ.

Cancer and Heart Disease Get the Attention

"Top-ranked causes of death as reported by the CDC inform our country's research funding and public health priorities," Dr Makary said in an university press release.


"Right now, cancer and heart disease get a ton of attention, but since medical errors don't appear on the list, the problem doesn't get the funding and attention it deserves."

He adds: "Incidence rates for deaths directly attributable to medical care gone awry haven't been recognized in any standardized method for collecting national statistics. The medical coding system was designed to maximize billing for physician services, not to collect national health statistics, as it is currently being used."

The researchers examined four studies that analyzed medical death rate data from 2000 to 2008. Then, using hospital admission rates from 2013, they extrapolated that, based on 35,416,020 hospitalizations, 251,454 deaths stemmed from a medical error.

That number of deaths translates to 9.5% of all deaths each year in the US — and puts medical error above the previous third-leading cause, respiratory disease.


In 2013, 611,105 people died of heart disease, 584,881 died of cancer, and 149,205 died of chronic respiratory disease, according to the CDC.

The new estimates are considerably higher than those in the 1999 Institute of Medicine report "To Err Is Human." However, the authors note that the data used for that report "is limited and outdated."



Strategies for Change

The authors suggest several changes, including making errors more visible so their effects can be understood. Often, discussions about prevention occur in limited and confidential forums, such as a department's morbidity and mortality conference.


Another is changing death certificates to include not just the cause of death, but an extra field asking whether a preventable complication stemming from the patient's care contributed to the death.

The authors also suggest that hospitals carry out a rapid and efficient independent investigation into deaths to determine whether error played a role. A root cause analysis approach would help while offering the protection of anonymity, they say.

Standardized data collection and reporting are also needed to build an accurate national picture of the problem.


Jim Rickert, MD, an orthopedist in Bedford, Indiana, and president of the Society for Patient Centered Orthopedics, told Medscape Medical News he was not surprised the errors came in at number 3 and that even those calculations don't tell the whole story.

"That doesn't even include doctors' offices and ambulatory care centers," he notes. "That's only inpatient hospitalization resulting in errors."

"I think most people underestimate the risk of error when they seek medical care," he said.

He agrees that adding a field to death certificates to indicate medical error is likely the way to get medical errors the attention they deserve.


"It's public pressure that brings about change. Hospitals have no incentive to publicize errors; neither do doctors or any other provider," he said.

However, such a major step as adding error information to death certificates is unlikely if not accompanied by tort reform, he said.

Still, this study helps emphasize the prevalence of errors, he said.

Human error is inevitable, the authors acknowledge, but "we can better measure the problem to design safer systems mitigating its frequency, visibility, and consequences."


They add that most errors aren't caused by bad doctors but by systemic failures and should 'not be addressed with punishment or legal action.

The authors and Dr Rickert disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

BMJ. Published online May 3, 2016. Full text

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東京女子医大病院人工呼吸中の小児患者への投与が禁止されている鎮静剤「プロポフォール」を08~13年に投与された小児11人が死亡していたのに、院内で検証されず、14年に同じ薬を大量投与された2歳男児の死亡事故が起きた ”


2015年神戸国際フロンティアメディカルセンター生体肝移植手術を受けた患者7人のうち、4人が術後1ヵ月以内に死亡していたことが明らかに ”

2014年国立国際医療研究センター:当時78歳の女性に対し、造影検査を実施した際、脊髄への使用を禁止されている造影剤「ウログラフイン」を誤って脊髄に注入し、多臓器不全にかかり死亡 ”








日本も公式な医療事故の統計は存在していませんが、アメリカの医療技術と同等でこうした統計から算出すると推定で間26,000人~が46,000が医療過誤により死亡しているとされているようです。 (ソース「医療事故による死亡は年間『万』の位」  医療崩壊 保坂正康著/講談社より)

以下、医療訴訟の専門 浅尾美喜子弁護士のコメントから引用**********










